5. taking mouthwatering pictures of delicious foods and proliferating them throughout various social media websites as status updates, thus tempting all those not even currently hungry into getting a food hard- on and getting food-horny and blowing all of their heroic dieting efforts to hell
Yep, that about explains it. I recently discovered a website called StumbleUpon and it introduced me to the most epic collection of food porn I have ever seen- Food Gawker. Food Gawker immediately became my new favorite website. Pages upon pages upon pages of pictures of delicious looking food. And if you click the pictures, nine times out of ten it takes you to a recipe. This is the best website I've ever seen! I spend hours clicking around and salivating and coming up with recipes I want to try, most of which are desserts.
But it's a double edged sword, that Food Gawker. The clearly visible frustration from my husband when he glances over at me from the love seat and says incredulously, "You're still looking at food?!" "But Josh, it looks so good! Look, it's a cupcake stuffed strawberry! It's homemade Nutella pop-tarts! It's a patriotic, alcoholic Jell-O mold! Why would I not still be looking?!" He sighs and returns to whatever sport he was watching on TV, and I continue to surf through the pages, clicking on the things that interest me and wondering to myself if I'm good enough to actually make them- until the baby starts crying. No worries, I change her diaper, stick her on the boob, and continue my journey through food porn addict heaven.
Now I'm not sure if there's a cure for my addiction. I'm also not sure if it's an addiction that needs to be cured. But I do know this- I'm making a fudge truffle cheesecake this weekend, and it's going to be delicious. And my wonderful husband has decided he might just get me a Kitchenaid stand mixer for our anniversary in August instead of making me wait until it's my combination birthday and Christmas present. Maybe he's an enabler, but I'm fine with that. I like my addiction, and he likes trying what I bake. Win win. And the fact that he can take what I bake to work to share so it doesn't tempt me from the kitchen counter when I'm SO CLOSE to being back down to prepregnancy weight (thanks for that 45 pounds, Clementine.....and Ben. And Jerry.) makes it a win win win. Charlie Sheen would be proud.